Monday, July 4, 2011

On James Dobson
Abortion, drugs, violence, and gangs are just a few of the problems frequently found in inner cities. With dashed hopes of a bright future, how do youth growing up in this environment even begin to break out of a downward spiral? Join us today to ... Click "Share" below to spread this message!

and my answer:

why not get rid of TV/video games and go back to nature? something like start a vegetable garden? eat less meat, use less products made by slavery process, avoid walmart slavery driven products, pay proper wages, and love others as ourselves? Mexicans driven out of their homes buy our agricultural policies, and they work like slaves, but without dignities, is this God honouring?? it is not about reading more of scriptures, but to lead a life worthy of it? stay with your mate, and less of other religious activities that require of your time and money? God is everywhere, not just in the church 4-walls. People are so much into bringing up properly their children, that they forgot to have a lot of them. It is not about money, it is about having alot of children as the Scriptures taught. Live a poor and humble life is not a sin! Maybe I might not be able to visit Paris, but heck, who cares, last time my uncle was there he was robbed in broad day light, and no one helped. If you spend the time with your children, every day, have chickens and a workable garden, rid of lawns, expensive vacations (get rid of this type of wastes, don't take a vacation that is based on others sufferings), reads less of the Bible, and do less of bible studies, and pray even less, but do honour God in all that you do, would that not be better than whatever religion or faiths you are trying to promote?? Is capitalism/free enterprise the only workable religion? Is trying to rid of gays and transgenedered people the enemy of our faith? They bothered no one. But in fighting them, more efforts and hatred are shown that drive all of them away from church. Is this what JESUS WOULD DO? OMG!! Last time I checked, he was known as a friend of sinners. He was not into getting rid of pharisees, prostitutes, and publicans (sorry, not republicans). Need I write anymore? Is there no common sense???

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