Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wear Your Mask

this is the reason why China has won this biological warfare, and we lost. Lost badly, with 99.97 percent as they claimed to be the recovery rate,. I have heard a few death everytime I talked to people. Pleasant Bay Nursing - at least 60 out of 90, Pleasant Bay Nursing Home is about 2 miles from me. Chris my friend lost 2 of his dear friends in their 50s' , just like me, and patient who worked at AA as a flight attendant both of them got sick, called my from the Hospital two months ago, worrying about me since I saw her as a patient earlier on (20 days ago), another patient lost a friend to it. And my latest source told me that a client of hers passed, as the plague started from P-Town.

At the start of the plague, I started sewing, and giving away masks. People thought that was crazy. That was back in Feb, virtually everyone refused to wear a mask, so everyone was an anti-mask activist. When I made masks available, someone specifically asked whether these were "clean" and safe, and then my post was taken down. That person is wearing a mask today because of Governor Baker, whose track record is better than those of Texas, Florida and California.

And those whom I gave masks, esp n95 masks, most of them would not use them when they came into contact w clients, and patients. Corporate America refused to let them use it,. and it went on during the plague for another critical 3 weeks, until they finally were allowed to use cheap surgical masks, far less effective than n95,. And n95s sold on the black market for 17 to 50 a piece. Civilians would be fine w regular medical surgical masks, since they do not come into contact with patients or clients frequently.

No one takes this seriously.

I see beautiful people walking about, without masks. They know it is safe here, and they dine in restaurants without masks, sitting so close to each other. Beaches, by now would be teemed with beautiful bodies, without masks, and I have even caught my kid almost sneaked out to a sleep over with her friends, without masks in my own house and my wife OK this. I mean, I maintain a quarantine for nothing, if anyone can just wonder through - because they think it is safe.

It is not.

We lost this war,. now we have to count the bodies and need to bury them when the time comes. This is not the worse of this war - yet. We will need more bode bags. This time, young, beautiful slender bodies, w tatoos and nice hair or beard. Young lives would be lost, and if that anti mask activist is right, the revoery rate is 99.99999999 whatever, but it happens because someone in school gave it to you, or someone your friend gave it to you, or someone whom you think is safe, gave it to you, and a "cytokine storm" happened to be in your beautiful body and you die, that is a statistic. Sorry. Very sorry.

I have donned two coats of PPE, two layers of gloves, modified my clinic to have negative pressure, washed and mopped my clinic floor w bleach between patients, kept door locked while having
  one or two of my patients inside the building (one for dental cleaning), instruct my hygienists to wear n95 (not every one is compliant) or PAPR. I wear that hood 8 hours to 9 hours daily, without taking it off, and tried to survive 80 plus degrees and 80 percent humidiyt, just to see my patients - to be sure they are safe and I am safe.

And then you have idiots, people who refuse to do masks or quarantine.

We have lost this war, next is to wait for the tsunami to hit us with the dead and the bodies will pile up, wherever they are.

And it is not to late. We can still do this, so wear a mask while in public, and do not allow others in your house without a mask on and stop schools from opening, until this plague is over and taken seriously.

I am an Aquarius, and unfortunately I can see things before they happen. No one listens. I accept that, but as my duty, I still have to sound the alarm, that is my lot in life. It's like Taiwan is a part of China, and our President will get re-elected, God wills that, nothing to do with me,

Still do wear your mask and make sure those you know, wear one.

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