Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Dear Peggy:


Dear Peggy:

I would ask Allen to read it for me, this is a slightly long response to what I heard about chemo therapy, and its horrible side effects.

Let me respond to that. I have had two pancreatic cancer family members. Sister Christine died of it 2 years and father died of it in three months after its initial diagnosis. Andrew my brother has a lung cancer soon after my father was diagnosed, and it was located to one lobe and so it was surgically removed. As far as I know, it was a lucky thing, since he panicked after dad was diagnosed here in the US while visiting me. He had surgery right away to removed that part of the lung and missed out on dad's funeral. I ran the whole thing, with the help of cousins -Pei, Ivan, Amos and Louis and everyone.

The first thing that popped into my mind is that I could carry a gene that makes me susceptible to pancreatic cancer. Two dead ones, and one is still alive. I was told to get my body scanned, poked and checked every year, and see if early detection could save my life. I was still hurting from losing my sister - that really hurt, and for dad, not so much other than a sigh of relief. My dad and I dont see things eye to eye, and I resent the fact I am in the US, living in exile, away from family and Chinese culture. I thought about getting MRI, CT scans and other tests. In the end, I accept that I cannot change things. Maybe it may take awhile to get my turn, but I think it is coming. I am finally made peace with it. I accepted that I cannot change the future and it is my lot in life - that I am born, that I suffer and in the end I will die.

But in the midst of all that, I became also aware how precious life is. Life is a gift, I wake up, smell the familiar smell, that light the comes into my bed room, and the birds chirp and all that small but familiar noise and smell and faces. Life is a gift, and I should not take it lightly. It comes from God, the source of all goodness. I am reminded that Jesus once said to his friends and disciples, that "If you do not change your mind (repent), you will all likewise perish." Some thought bad things happened because of our failure and mistakes. It has nothing to do with it, things just happened. Tower in Siloam fell,and crushed a few resident for no good reason. Suffering, in my opinion is random and absurd. but that is not all what life is. |

I came to my own resolution. I am determine to enjoy my life, to live a good life and in whatever I do, I am not going to live in perpetuate fear of it. I got rid of people whom I dont care for - eg my wife's maternal uncles. They have not been around anymore after they continue to verbally assault and abuse me for being a Chinese, that is, in their eyes, I am a "Chinaman". I got rid of them, they no longer comes. I made some changes in my life, found my identity, instead of living in exile, I am looking forward to see China unites with Taiwan in one peaceful one big happy family, I am also determined to be buried in Taiwan right next to my grandfather. In other word, just like Christine, she went home, lived, gt sick and died and be buried there. She found her peace. I found mine.

At this time, living a long time, or living a short time no longer concerns me. If I need to do something, I'd do it, If I need to spend the time and money, I'd do it, life is short and precious, why waste it. Or in my case, why waste on people who hate you and make life worse? I'd move on, do my thing.

I no longer have the belief in the afterlife - it does not matter to me anymore, if it is there, it is a bonus. But I focus in the times I have, to live a good life, to help others when I can, yes I have lots crazy old dying patients. I treat them all royally, best I can. In time, I hope to come and visit. Have a good time, to eat, to gain a few pounds, and to make a mess wherever I go.

I no longer waste time. I enjoy life. Please smile, as I am gaining a few pounds, eat at least two eggs a day, with fresh fruits, rice and fried pork. This is why I am such against any religion that denounces Chinese deep fried crispy pork, Finally, bretherns, whatsoever things are true, honest, of a good report, think on these things, if there be any praise, and if there be any fried duck, pork, gai-lan, and mah - boa, think on these things.

See you soon.

By this holy sign + Friar Ben

Philippians 4;4-9 this phrase stuck with me "Quacumque sunt vera" "Whatsoever things are true" it comes from y childhood )teen years) in Vancouver, BC, right at the time I stayed with Peggy and all the cousins.

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