Sunday, July 10, 2011

Re-Reading History: heroes of Old Prairie Bible Institute

I found this while googling about Ohlhauser.  This is how he treated these heores of Prairie.

and the admin. response was to ask them all to resign:

After all these years of 'hoping for nothing.  Maybe this god is dead, and does not respond to prayers.

here is what I put on their blog, asking for donations and money:
Benjamin Chung (Reply) on Friday 15, 2011
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Please accept my condolence. My Prairie and my prairie god died a long time ago. I tried back in 2003-2004 to help a bit when I was on the board. The more I think about this, the least I would give to religious causes. I was perhaps one of the few 14 that gave tot he school during the last ten years. I gave more than 10,000 and plus the board meetings that I paid without asking the reimbursement. Can you imaging why I would do such a stupid thing?? I have 5 kids now and I no longer think it is necessary to give to religious causes. I no longer do believe in a personal god that responds to prayers. Just look at you, you believe in a god that is wealthy, but it seems to me he cannot handle the money…..always he lacks something.
I now practice ‘corban method’ whatever you ask me to give, it is already ‘corban’ (dedicated to specific cause. That is, I now buy digital cameras. Nikon D1, D1H, and D1X. And more than 50 old Sony Mavicas. I love to take pictures of my children, and raise a family of five, with chickens, gardening, and driving biodiesel old trucks (made my own fuel). Would someone tell Nelson of my conversion to being a fool for christ, to me, the modern deist???

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