Saturday, September 28, 2013

Do the Right Thing

A quote from my recent post:

As a theologian, I see God in every thing. I see God in a simple beautiful tomato, and a small chicken. It is in the kindness of people, and sometimes in the unlikely places as well. God lives in the world, is the world. So, if I may using the ancient words of Daoist master, that Dao is in the lowliest places, is in urine and excrement, for example. That too, for me is God.

That being said, much of the anxiety comes from trying to be obedient to the holy writing that teaches we have to love our enemies, and do good to those that harm us, etc. This type of teaching is harmful to us. We cannot be in harmony and peace, if we run into harms all the time, sometimes, this type of harms kills us, inwardly and outwardly. We for example, shield our kids from child molesters, not because we have to live at peace with them, or to forgive them for what they do, but simply to run from harm. If a brethern in Christ or out of Christ is causing harm to others, how can you live at peace with such critter, though for this beast that Christ has died. I propose here a new solution, that blindly following ancient words of the bible is harmful, remember that these things are written for people, not the other way around. Therefore in the teaching of Jesus I translate this for you, "Sabbath is made for man, and man is not made for sabbath, and Man (son of man/bar/ben nasha = man in Syriac, which is Jesus' own mother tongue) is the Lord of sabbath." We read the sacred words of Christ, and throw out those words that are outdated, or dangerous to us in this generation. Remember, only the blind follows the blind and the dead buries their dead. You do what is right in your own eyes, that is the commandment from God.

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