Monday, August 10, 2015

On Rapture

 I was taught “Rapture”, this crap as a child. I saw this movie and had this impact on me as a child. Imminent second coming was also in Bunyan, esp. his book the Pilgrim's Progress. I no longer hold this to be true.

This idea was used to scare as many as possible, even came up as a hint in the Great Divorce of CS Lewis (if you take 'fear' as a factor of something dangerous coming to one of the conversations ).

I think St Paul has a great imagination, in the similar tradition to the Essenes, when they were losers to the Kittims (Romans), they came up with great imagination how their God will take care of their situation. Fact of the history is that we no longer have this courage to say so. Christianity, esp Evangelical Christianity has been so ossified, that we are stiffs. And stiffs cannot look into the eye of truth, and change. We all know that there is no such a thing as rapture. It had never happened. No one save the Jews of Warsaw ghetto, and no one will. Their god failed them. And Jesus supposedly said my god my god, WHY have you forsaken me. I think after he died of this traumatic death, his friends and family could not accept why their god failed them, and in the due course of time, they came up with the best revenge, that god will take care of the Jews (that betrayed him), and the heathens that occupied their land. In their wildest dream they saw all of these enemies dead in various horrible ways, and god will damn them forever and ever. It is beyond dashing their babies on stones and splash their brains and such.

Rapture is an illusion, a bad dream when the psych of these abused, defeated losers could not face the facts that Romans were the proper rulers of their world, and to submit to such, is the will of God. Perhaps they need to come to terms with this and change their diets and ways of life and live a courageous life. That is the meaning of the rapture, that there is no god that will save the Jews and for that matter us. That we seek the divine image in all of us, that we are God and God makers, and such should have the courage to be. That is may save us all, and it be the will of God that we all perish in the next round of massive extinction, we face it with courage, and grace of God, that is, with the best humanity in all of God. Not some crazy extractions that will come for all of us, at the end, will not.

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