Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Death of One

 Here a servant of Christ, a Christian apologist who left behind a young wife and daughter. After his conversion, he repeatedly put his faith in Christ and in the Evangelical message about the validity of his faith. When he was stricken with stomach cancer, every body prayed for him, up lifted him and so did he, with the same faith he was promised. That God is alive, that God is one, and God listens to prayers of his children, and prayers do matter and faith moves mountains. Then he dies. His young wife stricken with utter grief and I am sure, for unspeakable horror and despair, if not for the moment. His young daughter now lives with her mother, without her father. 

So why did God fail to heal him? 

I think death is a natural event, and happens to all of us, sooner or later. There is no escape. It happens that some of us carry the markers of death, some genetic traits mutable and at times expresses its death wish, and the carrier would die. I think his death is a not a remarkable thing that his faith is! But his faith is not miraculous as they claim it to be. It is, just faith. Something they claim it and no validity of its presence in the world. God, this Evangelical God, the God that converts heathens and Muslims, is not real, for he does not exist like they say he does. He is an imagination to many, and prayers to many, and answers none. He is not a real thing, for he does not answer or act when he is supposed to. So prayers went up for healing went in vain. Prayers that sought suffering's relief went on to deaf ears. There was no ears on the other reeving end.

So he died, when he lived, he lived to God and when he dies, he dies to sin, and suffering of this world. This brethren has fallen. I can relate to him, for I too have a young family to raise and a "young' wife, plus responsibilities. But I will not pray to a God that is less than real. I will put my faith in the world, and in this world, my home which I make my humble abode, I shall be, for a time, and I shall be no more. That is my faith, I believe in the world and this is the final resting place I choose, should someday I am no more, I will sail on with a smile, and the firm resolve that I have lived, and in that living, I know who I am, a small speck in the dust , and count less than nothing on the balance. That is what I am. But I will not pray like this brother, for healing and for things. For there is no receiver on the other line. That, is the truth. In the end, put my faith on the firm ground, this world. As a few years ago, I learnt of this truth, if I were ever to be lost, and lost my way, I would put my trust in the world, for the world is greater than I. The world is my home and resting place.

prayers that failed:

his own words:

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