Monday, October 8, 2018

Natural Disasters

Benjamin Chung Typhoon is not a punishment from God. It is a natural thing. It is like catching a cold. It is a viral infecy, not a punishment from God.


巧蓮 李 I don't agree with you!


巧蓮 李 Judgement to Nation already started, God could use any natural disaster to judge unrighteousness people or Nation, according to Revelation, God even release high ranking fallen angels from hell to judge the unrighteousness ! Thus, a lot great destroying such as war, terrorism and etc and Pandemic is coming will be causing by evil fallen angels.


Benjamin Chung this idea is wrong. Natural events are beyond our own theological interrpetation. During the WWII, Jews did not die because of their sins. They were good Jews, kosher and Sabbath abiding people. They were destroyed by an evil man and God did not come to their aid, despite the OT teaching that God comes to the aid of hsi people. The tsunami of 2009 (I think) that killed 300,000, again has nothing to do with God since it is a natural event, the shift of tectonic plates. Same as the 9-2 earthquakes in Taiwan. My uncle died in that. he was the most filial pious and devout Christian. what sins has he committed to warrant his death by being crush by the falling beams. God is not punishing him, it is likely that God was unable to prevent the death of his own children. Some would say God is weak and absent in our suffering. God is blind. etc. But that is not my point. My point is, do nto attribute the natural events and destruction to God who is innocent and has nothing to do with drowning, killing of elderly and young infants and children. 

You have to think about it, but not to cal Chinese people evil, or their ancestors evil. You are Chinese and with Chinese blood flowing through your veins. What evil has your father and mother done? And for 5 thousand years, even before the birth of Christ, what evil has Chinese done? I say, none, because China is not an atheistic nation back then and you can tell by history, they worship one true God, and this was before the introduction of Buddhism. Even with the new Buddhist faith, they were the minority. The majority of Chinese worship God and they weer no evil people. 

The natives of Taiwan were not atheists either. They too worship God. It is just they did nt have the words of modern Christianity, meaning that they were evil/ 

Cursing your own ancestors and attribute to them as evil and sinners, is a form of grievous sin. It is as bad as sinning against the holy ghost, since that ghost would have been working in these people, preparing them to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

St Paul wrote in Romans about them. They have Gods law governing them and they are righteous people, apart from the laws of the Jews. Romans 2, read it yourselves/

You have these Chinese preachers, scaring others about their lack of faith and how their ancestors are cursed, these are demonic teaching, and not the teaching of Jesus Christ. You need to repent and stop watching these sinners making egregious claims about God and Christ our Lord. Rev Chow has erred many times preaching the gospel in his message or his life. He needs to repent and come to the true know;edge of God and Christ/ Just look at him, he is cursed of God and shall exhibit that curse by taking money from people and saying things that are not true, and making claims that even Jesus could not verify.

You should not go against Chinese communist government, They are ordained by God to rule China. Your job is to become obedient to it, if you are a Chinese citizen living in China. Take down churches and crush the cults. That is Gods teaching.


Benjamin Chung 求主赦免台灣,特別是我們個人、家庭和君王的罪,我們犯了淫亂,用別的人事物代替我們的兒女、家庭,心不回轉,以致得罪神,求主赦免,因基督赦罪的寶血,洗淨我們在這片土地上的罪惡過犯。

This is totally wrong, and God have mercy on this sinner who claims wrongfully about our ancestors.


巧蓮 李 Benjamin Chung I already unfriend you, and I did not read your comment, as I regard you as a false teacher, and I am not interested to read your comment.



Benjamin Chung 巧蓮 李 dear young lady, you should think about these things. Natural disasters are not about God punishing people. It has something to do with change of climate, and severe storms formed because of it. You should worship God and stay home and read the words of the saviour and live by it. These end time talk is nothing but a speculation., It is not real. These preachers are evil men who cause mass hysteria and fear. They shall receive a greater punishment .

You seemed to me a good Chinese. You should be proud to be a Chinese and worship God as a Chinese, and not to be confused by these preachers.


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